Easter Sunday
This week, we are breaking away from our series in 1 Thessalonians to celebrate Easter Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus points to the final victory that all humans desire and want in the end. We will consider what Jesus' death means for those who follow him. Why does this mean we, as Christians, can celebrate it? What fears, anxieties, and curses can we push out of our lives?
Jesus' resurrection is the hinge point around which all our faith revolves. Paul says this can mean one of two things. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then everything we do is in vain - OR - Two - If Jesus did rise from the grave, then we have quite a reason to celebrate.
This week, we are breaking away from our series in 1 Thessalonians to celebrate Easter Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus points to the final victory that all humans desire and want in the end. We will consider what Jesus' death means for those who follow him. Why does this mean we, as Christians, can celebrate it? What fears, anxieties, and curses can we push out of our lives?
Jesus' resurrection is the hinge point around which all our faith revolves. Paul says this can mean one of two things. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then everything we do is in vain - OR - Two - If Jesus did rise from the grave, then we have quite a reason to celebrate.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-26 aloud.
- In verse 14 - Paul says of the resurrection of Jesus: And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.
- What does Paul mean?
- For Christians and people considering the resurrection - how important does this historical event seem to be from Paul’s perspective?
- Why do you think, either culturally or personally - many people make the claim or believe that Christ did not rise from the dead?
- While considering the argument about the importance of the resurrection - the good news that Paul proclaims in verse 20 is “But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead.â€
- Why does Paul start with the hopelessness of what it means if the resurrection did not happen and then strongly proclaim that it did? What do you think this means for his audience?
- Reflect both personally and corporately -
- In our culture, what are the main fears or anxieties in your friends who don’t attend church or know God?
- What are the main fears or anxieties you experience in this life?
- Reflect on your own life - What is the main reason that you can proclaim the same as Paul - “The fact that Christ did rise from the dead.â€
- Application. Read verses 24-25 together: Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
- Personally - What does the resurrection mean for you?
- Take turns sharing the hope that the resurrection means to you personally. What pains, tensions, sadness, tears, and groanings does the resurrection address in your own life?
- Corporately - What does the resurrection mean for our world?
- Spend time praying for one another about “The fact†of the resurrection offers hope and a promise that all these powers and authorities will be made obsolete.
- Not only is the resurrection true, but it’s also the very thing that we, as humans, want to be true! How does this change or affect the way we might talk about Christianity and the life of Jesus to those who do not yet know him?
- Personally - What does the resurrection mean for you?